Physical and Emotional Responses to Reiki Healing

Physical Sensations During a Reiki Session

One of the most commonly reported sensations during a Reiki session is the feeling of warmth or coolness. As the Reiki practitioner channels energy and places their hands over specific areas of the recipient's body, the individual might feel a gentle warmth emanating from the practitioner's hands. This warmth is often described as comforting and soothing, akin to the sensation of a warm compress. Conversely, some individuals might experience coolness, which can feel refreshing and calming. These temperature fluctuations are believed to be a result of the energy flow being adjusted and balanced within the body.

grass fields representing warmth felt during a reiki treatment
a ball of reiki energy

Tingling or Pulsing

Another sensation that individuals might experience during a Reiki session is a tingling or pulsing feeling. This can be likened to the sensation one feels when a limb "falls asleep" but without the discomfort. The tingling is often felt in the extremities, such as the hands, feet, or around the head. Some describe it as a gentle electrical current or a subtle vibration. This sensation is thought to be a direct response to the movement of energy, indicating areas where blockages are being cleared or where energy is being particularly activated.

Feeling of Lightness or Weight

During a Reiki session, individuals might also experience a distinct feeling of lightness or weight. Some describe it as if they are floating, with a sensation of being lifted or elevated. This feeling of lightness can bring about a sense of release, as if burdens are being lifted away. On the other hand, a feeling of weight or heaviness might be felt, especially in areas where there are significant energy blockages or emotional baggage. This sensation of weight is not oppressive but rather grounding, reminding the individual of their connection to the earth and the physical realm. Over the course of the session, this heaviness often dissipates, replaced by a feeling of balance and equilibrium.

a feather to represent weightlessness during a reiki healing session
a butterfly being released to illustrate an emotional feeling during reiki for patient and practitioner

Emotional Responses to Reiki Energy

Reiki is often described as a journey into the deeper layers of one's emotional self. As the practitioner channels healing energy, recipients might find themselves confronting and releasing long-held emotional blockages. These can manifest as sudden surges of emotions, such as tears, laughter, or even feelings of grief or anger. It's not uncommon for individuals to recall past traumas or suppressed memories during a session. The release of these blockages is a therapeutic process, allowing the individual to confront and heal past wounds, leading to a more balanced emotional state.

Feelings of Peace and Tranquility

One of the hallmark experiences of a Reiki session is the profound sense of peace and tranquility that envelops the recipient. As the healing energy flows, a deep sense of calm often permeates the individual's being. The mind's incessant chatter quiets down, and there's a feeling of being present in the moment. This serenity extends beyond the session, with many reporting improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and a more positive outlook on life. This peaceful state is indicative of the harmonizing effect Reiki has on the emotional and mental planes.

a tranquil forest where reiki treatment takes place
a lady having emotional realization as a side-effect of reiki

Emotional Insights and Realisations

Reiki isn't just about healing the present; it often provides clarity regarding past experiences and future paths. During a session, recipients might experience sudden insights or realizations about patterns in their lives, relationships, or personal choices. These epiphanies can be transformative, offering clarity on issues that might have been perplexing or offering new perspectives on life's challenges. It's as if the energy illuminates the deeper truths of one's life, providing guidance and wisdom.

Whether you're a reiki practitioner interested in enhancing your online presence or someone who believes they could benefit from reiki healing and would like to learn more or book a session, email us at or fill in the form below and our team will get back to you shortly.