Reiki for Pets

What is Reiki for Pets?

Reiki, derived from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy), is an ancient healing technique that channels the universal life force energy to promote balance, healing, and harmony. Initially developed in Japan, Reiki has grown in popularity across the globe, with practitioners emphasizing its holistic approach to wellness—not just for humans, but also for the animal kingdom. Animals, much like humans, have energy centers and fields that can benefit from Reiki. Whether it's a household pet or wildlife, Reiki's universal application transcends species, offering healing energy to all living beings. Its non-invasive nature makes it particularly suitable for animals, providing them with a gentle yet effective healing method.

in-person reiki healing being performed on a pet dog
bunny rabbit about to receive reiki treatment

Stress, Trauma and Health issues in Pets

Pets, despite their often carefree appearance, are not immune to the stressors and challenges of life. Environmental changes, past traumas, interactions with other animals, or even sensing their human companion's emotions can lead to stress and anxiety in pets. Additionally, like any living beings, they're susceptible to a range of health issues, both acute and chronic. Some animals come from backgrounds of neglect or abuse, carrying with them the scars of past trauma. Even a simple move to a new home or the introduction of a new family member can be unsettling for them. Recognizing these challenges is the first step in providing them with the care and support they need. Holistic practices like Reiki can play a significant role in addressing these underlying issues, offering pets a chance to heal and find equilibrium.

The Emotional and Energetic Sensitivity of Animals

Animals are innately attuned to the energies around them. Their heightened senses go beyond just the physical realm; they are keenly aware of emotional and energetic shifts in their environment. This sensitivity allows them to pick up on mood changes, intentions, and even the wellbeing of those around them. For instance, many pet owners can attest to their pets' uncanny ability to sense when they're feeling down or unwell, often responding with comforting gestures. However, this heightened sensitivity also means animals can be more susceptible to absorbing negative energies or becoming overwhelmed in chaotic environments. It's crucial to acknowledge and respect this intuitive nature of animals, creating safe, calm spaces for them and considering practices like Reiki to cleanse and balance their energetic fields.

lady hugging a dog after reiki session
  • Stress relief
    Reiki can calm anxious animals, helping them relax and feel more at ease in their environment.
  • Pain relief
    Animals suffering from physical pain, whether due to injury or illness, can find relief through Reiki's energy-balancing properties.
  • Emotional healing
    Reiki can help heal traumas and emotional wounds, especially in rescued or previously abused animals.
  • Energetic balance
    By aligning and balancing the chakras, Reiki ensures smooth energy flow throughout the animal's body, promoting overall wellness.
  • Post-surgery recovery
    Reiki can accelerate healing after surgical procedures, reducing the recovery time and helping alleviate post-operative discomfort.
  • Enhanced well-being
    Regular Reiki sessions can boost the immune system and promote better overall health.
  • Strengthened bond
    Reiki sessions can deepen the bond between pets and their owners, fostering mutual understanding and connection.
  • End of life comfort
    For terminally ill animals, Reiki offers comfort, eases pain, and provides a peaceful energy as they transition.
  • Complementary treatment
    Reiki acts as a complementary therapy and can be used alongside conventional veterinary treatments without causing any interference.
  • Behavioural issues
    Reiki can help address and mitigate certain behavioural problems by addressing the underlying energetic or emotional imbalances.
  • Non-invasive approach
    Reiki doesn't require any physical manipulation, making it ideal for animals that might be touch-averse or in pain.
  • Distance healing
    If an animal is too stressed or cannot be approached, Reiki can be administered from a distance, offering flexibility in its application.
a calm environment to perform reiki healing, lady on a bed with dog on its side

Approaching the Animal and creating a calm environment

The approach towards an animal, especially when introducing them to a new experience like Reiki, is crucial. Unlike humans who can communicate their apprehensions verbally, animals rely heavily on their senses and the energy of their environment. Before starting a Reiki session, it's imperative to create a tranquil space. This might involve dimming the lights, ensuring there aren't any loud noises or disturbances, and maybe even using calming scents like lavender, if the animal is familiar with them. The practitioner should approach the animal slowly, with gentle movements, exuding a calm and gentle energy themselves. Speaking in soft tones or not speaking at all, and letting the animal come to them if they choose, can build trust. This initial step sets the tone for the entire Reiki session, ensuring that the animal feels safe and open to receiving the healing energy.

Hand placements specific to different Animals

The practice of Reiki involves channelling energy through the hands and into the recipient's body. For animals, the hand placements can vary depending on their size, anatomy, and comfort levels. For instance, with dogs, one might start by placing hands over the head or shoulders, areas they're usually comfortable having touched. For cats, who can be more sensitive, hovering hands just above their bodies might be preferred. Larger animals like horses might require the practitioner to be more intuitive, sensing where the animal is drawing them. Birds or smaller pets might only be comfortable with near-body healing, where hands don't touch them directly. Understanding the anatomy and comfort zones of each animal ensures that the Reiki energy is transmitted effectively without causing any distress or discomfort.

a chinchilla with specific hand placements for reiki healing
a cat relaxing after a reiki session

Gauge the Animals comfort and adjust the session accordingly

Every animal is an individual with its own set of experiences, personality traits, and comfort levels. During a Reiki session, it's essential for the practitioner to remain observant and receptive to the animal's cues. Some animals might lean into the touch, seeking more direct contact, while others might move away, indicating a preference for distance healing. Subtle signs like a twitching ear, a flick of the tail, or even a change in breathing patterns can communicate a lot about how the animal feels. If an animal shows signs of distress, it might be necessary to pause the session, give them space, or even reschedule for another time. Ensuring that the Reiki session is tailored to each animal's comfort ensures not only the effectiveness of the treatment but also respects the animal's autonomy and feelings.

Whether you're a reiki practitioner interested in enhancing your online presence or someone who believes they could benefit from reiki healing and would like to learn more or book a session, email us at or fill in the form below and our team will get back to you shortly.