Understanding Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic healing technique that originates from Japan. The term "Reiki" is derived from two Japanese words: "Rei," which means "universal," and "Ki," which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living beings. This energy is believed to be the essence that sustains life and promotes healing in all living entities.

At its core, Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is responsible for our overall health and well-being. When this energy is low or blocked, it can lead to illness or stress, whereas when it's high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki healing involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner to the patient to enhance the body's natural ability to heal itself through the balancing of energy. Practitioners use specific hand positions, either touching the patient or hovering above them, to channel energy and activate the body's inherent healing processes. This energy transfer aims to clear blockages, detoxify the system, and restore balance, leading to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

reiki healing performed on a lady
reiki tokyo scenery

Origins and History of Reiki

Reiki's origins are traced back to ancient Tibet, but the modern form of Reiki that we recognize today was developed in Japan in the early 20th century by Dr. Mikao Usui. Dr. Usui's journey to discover Reiki began with his quest to understand how spiritual leaders, like the Buddha and Jesus, could heal without depleting their own energy. This quest led him to study ancient scriptures, Buddhism, and other spiritual teachings.

After his enlightenment, Dr. Usui began practicing and teaching Reiki in Japan. He established a clinic in Tokyo and developed the system known as "Usui Reiki." As he taught, he also introduced the Reiki principles (or precepts) and various symbols that aided in the healing process.

The Five Reiki Principles

The Five Reiki Principles, also known as the Five Reiki Precepts or Gokai, are fundamental guidelines that serve as a foundation for Reiki practice. They are not just rules but rather spiritual teachings that guide practitioners in their daily lives, promoting balance, peace, and wellness. These principles are:

Just for today, I will not be angry

This principle emphasizes the importance of letting go of anger, as it can block the flow of positive energy and disrupt the healing process. By acknowledging anger and choosing not to act on it, one can maintain inner peace and harmony.

Just for today, I will not worry

Worry, like anger, can create negative energy. This precept encourages practitioners to live in the present moment, releasing anxieties about the future or regrets about the past.

Just for today, I will be grateful

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can elevate one's vibrational frequency. By focusing on the blessings in life and expressing gratitude, practitioners can attract more positive experiences.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly

This principle underscores the importance of integrity and authenticity in all actions, ensuring that one's energy remains pure and untainted.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

Kindness and compassion towards all beings, including oneself, are essential in Reiki. This precept promotes love, understanding, and unity, fostering a deeper connection with the universal life force energy.

The Concept of "Ki"

"Ki" is a foundational concept in Eastern philosophy, signifying the vital life force energy that permeates all living beings and the universe. This intangible energy is neither purely physical nor solely spiritual but acts as a conduit between the two, animating life and underpinning our physical and mental states. A harmonious balance and flow of Ki are crucial for health and well-being. When Ki is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges. Furthermore, this energy isn't confined to just living entities; it's omnipresent, influencing the ambiance of our surroundings and our overall mood.

ki life force

Reiki healing offers a range of benefits that encompass physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the benefits of Reiki healing:

  • Stress reduction
    One of the most immediate benefits of Reiki is relaxation, which helps reduce stress and activate the body's natural healing abilities.
  • Pain relief
    Many individuals report relief from chronic pain and improvement in acute conditions after Reiki sessions.
  • Improved sleep
    Reiki can promote better sleep patterns, helping those with insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  • Emotional healing
    Reiki can help release trapped emotions, leading to improved emotional well-being and mental clarity.
  • Enhanced immune system
    By reducing stress and promoting balance, Reiki can boost the immune system, making it more effective against illnesses.
  • Increased energy
    Many recipients feel revitalized and experience increased energy levels after a Reiki session.
  • Balancing of chakras
    Reiki helps in balancing the body's energy centers or chakras, ensuring a harmonious flow of energy.
  • Support during treatments
    Reiki can complement traditional medical treatments, reducing side effects and promoting faster recovery. It's often used in hospitals to support surgery recovery and cancer treatments.
  • Deepened connection
    Regular Reiki practice can enhance one's spiritual growth and intuition.
  • Detoxification
    Reiki can support the body's natural detoxification processes, helping to cleanse it of toxins.
  • Enhanced healing
    By improving the flow of energy, Reiki can accelerate the body's self-healing capabilities.
  • Improved digestion
    Some individuals report improved digestive function post-Reiki.

How Reiki energy works

Reiki, rooted in the concept of "universal life force energy," serves as a conduit for channelling healing energy. Central to its practice is the transfer of this energy from the practitioner to the recipient, achieved through specific hand positions. The primary aim is to identify and clear blockages in energy channels, restoring the natural flow and promoting overall well-being. This healing modality is not just physical; it takes a holistic approach, addressing emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Experienced practitioners harness an intuitive sense, guiding the energy to areas most in need, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings through this universal energy.

Mental clarity

Reiki can help clear mental blockages, leading to improved focus and clarity of thought.

Emotional release

Reiki can aid in the release of emotional blockages, helping individuals process and move past traumas or negative experiences.

Enhanced well-being

Overall, regular Reiki sessions can lead to an enhanced sense of well-being, balance, and harmony in life.

reiki tokyo scenery

What is Attunement?

An attunement is a sacred process in Reiki where a Reiki Master transmits the universal life force energy to a student, opening and expanding the main energy channels in the student's body. This process allows the student to connect to the Reiki source and channel its energy for healing purposes.

The primary purpose of an attunement is to cleanse and purify the student's energy pathways, ensuring they can effectively channel Reiki energy. It also heightens the student's intuitive and psychic abilities.

During an attunement, the Reiki Master uses specific symbols and techniques to adjust the student's energy field, aligning it with the Reiki source. The process can be deeply spiritual and transformative, often accompanied by visions, feelings, or even physical sensations.

Once a person has been attuned to Reiki, they are permanently linked to the energy. This connection never fades, allowing the individual to access Reiki energy whenever they wish.

The different levels of Reiki Attunement

Reiki training is typically divided into different levels or degrees, each with its own attunement process. The number of levels and their specifics can vary depending on the Reiki tradition, but the following are the most commonly recognized levels:

  • Level 1 (Reiki I)
    Often referred to as the "First Degree," this level focuses on self-healing and physical healing. After this attunement, students can channel Reiki energy to themselves and others through hands-on healing.
  • Level 2 (Reiki II)
    Known as the "Second Degree," this level introduces students to Reiki symbols that enhance healing and allow for distance healing (sending Reiki energy across space and time). Students learn techniques to heal emotional and mental issues and to send Reiki to past, present, or future events.
  • Level 3 (Reiki III)
    Students here learn advanced Reiki symbols and techniques. Their connection to the Reiki energy deepens, and their healing abilities become more potent.
  • Reiki Master
    This is the highest level of Reiki training. Here, students receive the Master Symbol and learn how to teach and attune others to Reiki. They are now considered Reiki Masters and can pass on the tradition.
stones representing holistic therapy for mind, body and spirit

How Reiki compliments other therapies

Reiki seamlessly complements other therapeutic practices. Its non-invasive nature makes it an ideal adjunct to both conventional medical treatments and alternative therapies. For instance and as mentioned above, when paired with traditional medical procedures, Reiki can help reduce side effects, alleviate pain, and accelerate recovery times. In the realm of alternative therapies, such as massage or acupuncture, Reiki can enhance the overall healing experience by deepening relaxation and promoting a more profound sense of well-being. Its adaptability stems from its foundational principle of channelling universal life force energy, which can harmonize with various therapeutic energies to optimize healing.

The differences between Reiki and other healing techniques

On the other hand, while Reiki shares some similarities with other energy healing techniques, there are distinct differences. At its core, Reiki is about channelling the universal life force energy through attuned practitioners, whereas other methods might involve manipulating or balancing a person's inherent energy without the same form of attunement. Additionally, Reiki's unique system of symbols, hand positions, and attunement processes set it apart. The emphasis in Reiki on the spiritual connection, self-healing, and the specific lineage tracing back to Dr. Mikao Usui also distinguishes it from other energy practices. Each energy healing modality has its own strengths and methodologies, but Reiki's holistic approach and deep spiritual roots make it a standout in the realm of energy therapies.

reiki healing being performed
reiki distance healing with crystal

Modern adaptations and variations of Reiki

Over the years, Reiki has seen numerous modern adaptations and variations, evolving to cater to the changing needs and preferences of practitioners and recipients alike. While the core principles remain consistent, new Reiki practices have emerged, integrating contemporary understandings of energy, psychology, and healing. Some practitioners have blended Reiki with other therapeutic modalities, such as crystal healing or sound therapy, creating a multifaceted healing experience. Additionally, the digital age has ushered in online Reiki sessions and distance healing practices, making the therapy more accessible to those who cannot attend in-person sessions. These adaptations showcase the flexibility and resilience of Reiki as a healing system, proving its relevance in today's dynamic world.

The growing popularity of Reiki worldwide

Parallel to its evolution, Reiki's popularity has surged on a global scale. Once a relatively obscure Japanese healing art, it has now found its way into hospitals, wellness centers, and homes worldwide. The universal appeal of Reiki lies in its non-invasive nature, lack of religious affiliation, and its promise of holistic well-being. As more people seek alternative and complementary therapies, Reiki has emerged as a trusted choice, with practitioners and training centers proliferating across continents. This global embrace is a testament to Reiki's profound healing capabilities and its adaptability to diverse cultures and lifestyles.

planet earth with lighting to illustrate reiki distance healing

Whether you're a reiki practitioner interested in enhancing your online presence or someone who believes they could benefit from reiki healing and would like to learn more or book a session, email us at reikiwebsites@gmail.com or fill in the form below and our team will get back to you shortly.