Business Cards for Reiki Healers

A business card is often the first port of call when you meet a prospective client who is interested in your Reiki services. These are a vital part of your marketing toolbox and should never be overlooked when wanting to promote the work you offer. A well designed and professional business card can leave a memorable impression on the receiver, along with being convenient enough to store in your purse or wallet. These are great to hand out at events where you may be showcasing your services to others.

Through getting into the happen of regularly handing out Reiki business cards you will be passively increasing your outreach as time goes on, with you only needing one person to take you up on your services to cover the investment on 100s, if not 1000s of cards. Regardless of any online advertising you are currently doing such as with your website or social media, business cards will always be an integral part of physically advocating for your healing business.

Our team at Reiki Websites knows how important it is to have a business card that accurately reflects the personality of you and the services you're offering, which is why we provide business card design services aimed at Reiki healers. We will take into account your current branding (or even help you create your brand) to produce a card that reflects not only you but also the customers you hope to serve.

Due to our extensive experience with Reiki practitioners we know exactly what your target clientele require in terms of information and design, and what you need to effectively communicate the Reiki services you're offering. Allow us to focus on the marketing aspect so that you can focus on what you do best; bringing peace of mind and healing to those who need it.


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  • They add not only a professional touch when interacting with potential clients but also allow you to display a bit of personal flair when it comes to the design
  • When handing out business cards it demonstrates you are on the ball when it comes to building your business, which is likely to carry over into the quality of service you offer
  • Although we live in an online world today, as a Reiki practitioner the majority of your interactions will be in person (unless you are purely a distance healer) and so having a physical method of advertising yourself is a must
  • Sometimes when handing out cards the receiver will ask for several in order to hand out to others who they believe will be interested in your services
  • It is quick and easy to hand out a business card if one or both parties are short of time

If you're up for learning more about having a Reiki business card designed for you, get in touch now by completing the form below or emailing us at There are no charges for talking with us, we are always happy to hear from you and are more than willing to talk over the phone even if it is just to point you in the right direction.