Your custom Reiki Email Address

A personalized email address is something specific to your Reiki practice, reflecting your brand identity, which would usally be seen as and uses your business name or your own name as the domain name. For example, if your business is called "Love and Light Reiki" and your name is "Laura" your custom email address could be or

This level of personalizaton increases that credibility and shows your potential customers that you are that bit more serious about establishing a professional business, tailored not only to your but also their needs. Since your email address will be linked to your website/domain name, it will also be more memorable to clients rather than a generic Hotmail or Outlook address.

We'll first need a domain name in order to create a custom email address. If you already have a website then this stage is already complete, if not then we'll have to brainstorm a domain which will accurately reflect your brand and business. Once the domain has been registered (something we will take care of on our side if you haven't already) we will be able to create a custom email for you which will be hosted on our end, where we will be able to troubleshoot any problems for you moving forward.

With a custom email you will be able to send and receive emails while also accessing all of the features you normally would with other providers, such as the ability to increase your storage, task management tools, spam filters etc.


Contact us

It is not a requirement to have a website in order to have your personalized email address.. In saying this, a website is an extremely valuable way of marketing your Reiki business, giving you the opportunity to provide all of the information required about your services in one place, along with things like contact information, qualifications, testimonials and so on. A website allows you a platform to push everything business related which will in turn attract new customers.

However, if you only want a custom email address and do not yet want a website, you are more than welcome to do this and we can handle it for you..

  • It is more memorable and it builds brand identity. If they have visited your website, when they communicate with you via your email address you are reinforcing the name of your website in their minds, as it is already a part of your email address
  • A personalized email which includes either your own name or business name is much more credible than a typical email from a free email service; it helps to promote that you are dedicated to your branding
  • A business related Reiki email address enables you to differentiate business communication and personal communication, meaning it is far easy to organise your work emails and calendar without interfering with your personal emails outside of work

If you're up for learning more about having a custom Reiki email address, get in touch now by completing the form below or emailing us at There are no charges for talking with us, we are always happy to hear from you and are more than willing to talk over the phone even if it is just to point you in the right direction.