Reiki Flyer Design

A Reiki flyer is a singular page of paper to market your business and allow potential clients a brief overview of your services and a way to contact you. Outside of your services and contact information you may want to address the benefits of Reiki. As far as contact information goes it is always best to offer all ways they can contact you, be it through your website, social media, email or phone; make it as easy as possible for them to get in touch with you. The benefit of a flyer over a leaflet is it is more cost-effective if you have less information to put across to readers. Not only this but with the same investment you will reach many more people due to an increase in copies compared to leaflets for the same price range.

Marketing your Reiki services is something you want to be pushing constantly, whether you've just started up your busines or you're already established, our team is here and ready to support you. We incorporate any existing brand identity you have into the design, along with proposing any new flairs with think of that may appeal to your target audience, taking into account things such as your logo, colors, fonts and imagery. Please feel free to contact us below for more information, we'd truly love to hear from you and help you along your Reiki journey.


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There are a few reasons why a Reiki healer might choose to have a flyer instead of, or in addition to, a business card. To start, a flyer allows you so much more paper space to write about the services you offer and what you can provide the reader. The more treatments you provide, the more relevant this is as you don't want to be leaving information out. In addition, a flyer gives you room for creative freedom in the use of images, elements and graphics to create a feast for the eyes and further engage the reader.

You have never had more options to distribute your Reiki flyers than you do today, with the possibility to reach more clients than ever before with your physical marketing efforts. Potential options could includes places such as health clinics, gyms, wellness centers, libraries or local businesses. If you reach out to the owners or workers in these locations, chances are some of them are going to be more than happy to leave a bunch of your flyers off to one side, whether it be in their window or by the counter.

It may also be worth getting in touch with other holistic therapists or counselors and requesting leaving flyers in their place of business for their clients to see, this is targeted advertising and is proven to produce many more leads than just leaving your marketing material in a random shop.

With a specially designed Reiki flyer by our team, you'll receive a digital copy with which you can use for your social media to push your online advertising to the next level.

If you're up for learning more about creating a Reiki flyer or would like us to produce one for you, get in touch now by completing the form below or emailing us at There are no charges for talking with us, we are always happy to hear from you and are more than willing to talk over the phone even if it is just to point you in the right direction.