Reiki Leaflet Design

Leaflets have several sides to them and may be folded or come with multiple pages. This is in contrast to a flyer which is only a single sheet and has no folds or extra pages. Leaflets are excellent for physically advertising your Reiki services as they provide customers with information relating to your business in a lot more detail. It's possible to give leaflets out in many different ways, including by hand, by leaving them in public places, by leaving them at shop counters or even by mailing. This makes them an effective marketing tool for Reiki healers as they give you the power to present your services to a large audience base in both an informative and visual way. Depending on how you distribute your leaflets you can reach a great many people who otherwise would never have access to learning about what it is you do and offer.

If you know where to start then producing a leaflet for your Reiki services can be a cost-effect way of promoting your business to potential customers. In order for us to design your leaflet we will first need to know the ins and outs of your business, namely the services you offer, your contact information and anything else your clients may need to know such as qualification, experience etc.

It is also important for us to understand your target audience and what areas of Reiki you specialize in as your leaflet will need to be designed with this group of people in mind. Once we have established these things we will be able to create a targeted leaflet highlighting the benefits of your services and showcasing your Reiki expertise. Not only this but we will also offer advice as to how to distribute your leaflets and what will or won't be effective.

Starting from £45.00

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For your leaflet you will typically want to include the following information:

  • A simple and attention-inducing headline which outlines your services and their benefits
  • A photo of either yourself or your practice which will enable readers to better connect with you
  • The main aim behind your leaflet is to have the reader contact you to book a session, so you should reiterate throughout the leaflet your contact information, be it your phone number, email, social media or website
  • It is always a good idea to include your pricing along with how you accept payment, if only to avoid price queries. You are running a professional business and you should not budge on your pricing, it is important to understand the value you are providing to your clients
  • Your contact information, such as your website, phone number and email address
  • You could also include at least one review from one of your current or previous customers, although this isn't always necessary
  • A description of each service you offer and the problem/s it may solve for the receivers of such treatments; to a certain extent you will want to be educating the reader as they typically will not be as informed as you are on your craft

You don't want your leaflet to be cluttered; make sure the text is to the point, make sure you don't overdo any images or graphics. Include all the information the reader will need to make an informed decision on whether or not to contact you for your Reiki services.

If you're up for learning more about creating a Reiki leaflet or would like us to produce one for you, get in touch now by completing the form below or emailing us at There are no charges for talking with us, we are always happy to hear from you and are more than willing to talk over the phone even if it is just to point you in the right direction.