Search Engine Optimization for your Reiki Website

It is key to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) in order to increase the visibility of your Reiki website and in turn attract more clients. As a result of optimizing your web-pages you will improve your ranking in the search results for various browsers, with the main one being Google. As a result your site and Reiki services will be seen by a great deal many more people than would have found you prior to these optimizations.

It has been proven in studies that the majority of people are more likely to click on the first handful of search results when searching for something online, and very few users will go beyond the first page of search results that show up, which makes it incredibly important for your website to be in those top results.

It is possible that some actions on your site can actually hinder your ranking from the get go, such as the relevance of the written content on your pages in relation to the overarching point of your website. For example, as a Reiki practitioner you will want to revolve all of the written content and imagery around the topic of Reiki, unless of course you are a therapist who includes other services within their skillset. With a focus on keywords relevant to your profession in your content and meta tags you will be off to an excellent start in ranking for the search terms you're going for.

In order to make sure your Reiki website is thoroughly optimized for search engines we will begin with research into relevant keywords relating to the various services you offer and wish to promote. We will take a look at what potential clients are typing into browsers like Google, and we will tap into that potential so that your site is the one popping up in their results feed. Ensuring each page on your website is smooth to navigate and has fast loading times is a must, with best practices in building your website having a big effect on SEO in general.

Varies considerably and starts from £45.00 per page

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It is impossible for anybody to give an exact timeframe on how long exactly it will take to see the rewards from optimizing your site, only browsers like Google, Bing, Firefox etc. know for certain. However, we're able to comfortably say you will begin to see results within the 3-6 month time frame for local Reiki related content, so if you are trying to advertise your services locally, you typically will not have long to wait at all before seeing an uptick in the amount of visitors to your site, who will hopefully then translate into potential customers.

If you are wanting to target your site nationally or even worldwide, then the competition will be a lot greater. While not impossible to overcome by anymeans, the timeframe will of course be on a wider scale, something that we could help narrow down for you with a bit more information.

As a Reiki healer you need to be focusing on your clients; marketing your business takes up an incredible amount of time. The bullet points below list some reasons as to why if you have a Reiki based website, promoting it with SEO is an absolute must:

  • An increase of traffic to your website is inevitable as a result of SEO work. The investment in optimizing your web-pages will undoubtedly pay off within a given amount of time, it's not a matter of "if" you will see results, but "when". Once these results come in, they will be working for you all day long, all year long for the foreseeable future
  • Compared to other marketing strategies, search engine optimization is an extremely cost effective way to bring in new customers when you choose us. We charge based on the value we can bring to your business, resulting in a tailored plan that suits you
  • Credibility is so important and it is what will make you stand out in the competition of today. If your site is the first one showing up in the search results for search users, it shows you are a trustworthy source which will lead to an increase in sales

If you are interested in having a conversation about how we can optimize your Reiki site and the various pages on it through SEO, fill our form in underneath here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. You may also feel free to contact us at All inquiries are complimentary, even if we talk on the phone for an extended period of time, it will always be a pleasure to hear from you and to learn more about your business and the services you offer.